Author: solutionclub

Installing Drupal with Drush on Ubuntu 0

Installing Drupal with Drush on Ubuntu

Drush is a command on line interface that aid user to accelerate administrative and development operation for Drupal sites. When we installing this Drush, we can easily perform useful task just simply type command...

Installation Sentora on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 3

Installation Sentora on Ubuntu 14.04/16.04 LTS

Installation Sentora on Ubuntu 14.04/16.04 LTS In the given article We’ll provide you information, how to install Sentora on Ubuntu. Sentora (Opensource Panel) is totally free for the web hosting control panel for Open...


Reset MySQL 5.7 root password Ubuntu 16.04/17.04

Reset MySQL 5.7 root password Ubuntu 16.04/17.04 The Answer Of Why we cognate to perform with MySQL On this sphere,largest and fastest-flourishing organizations that involve Facebook,Google , Adobe, Alcatel Lucent and Zappos have substantial...